Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links to products I personally use and recommend. I receive a small fee on qualifying purchases you make, at no additional cost to you.
Who am I?
Hi, I’m Holly Morrison. Welcome to my blog. In my videos we are usually either in my garden or my kitchen, most of the time we’re in my kitchen. But today we’re in my foyer/library where I homeschool my girls. We’re here to talk about 6 things that can prevent and treat the “flu”.
I think these are really important. I’ve been talking to a lot of people in the last couple of months about a lot of things related to the famous virus. I don’t even want to give it credit by giving it a name. We sometimes refer to it as the “flu.”
I’m an RN. Let me give you the disclaimer right from the beginning. I am not giving medical advice; only telling you exactly what I’ve done to prepare my family for the next 9 months.
I’ve been a nurse since 1988, and graduated from the medical college of Georgia. I’ve got about 20+ years as an RN. I’ve worked a lot as a teacher with my bachelor’s degree in science, but I’m telling you holistic things you can do to strengthen your family.
And the cool thing is a lot of this information has been circulated amount medical people. My girlfriend of 20+ years back in the south, we call her Dr. Becky, the cool thing is her husband is a physician and she’s not, but she functions more like a Dr.
Anyway, she sent me some really cool stuff because she knew my daughter and I were about to travel to do a purity weekend. We were going to be on a plane for a long time. She knew I was probably wanting to do some things to make sure we stay in good health while we travel.
GSE Rocks!
I’ve been talking to people for a long time about my holistic lifestyle. I’ve been a holistic mama since Daniel turned 1 year old. The Lord set us on a holistic journey. And I do say the Lord, I love the Lord with all my heart. He loves me, He gives me downloads, He tells me things.
So, I’m passing along what my family is doing, what we have in my house is our ounce of prevention and our pound of cure. *Points to GSE*
If you have not been following me you should check out our playlists on YouTube. I just came to rumble and about half my videos are over there. So whichever avenue you enjoy, I will be loading things a little more edgy on Rumble to avoid YouTubes censorship. So, I’ve had some content blocked, and I don’t like that. I think it’s censorship and not American what-so-ever.
The cool thing is, Rumble is Canadian, so I guess nobody in America gets to influence it, at least not so far.
So let me jump in. We are talking about our 6 things to prevent and treat the “flu.”
I’m talking about what I already have in my house, and what I am using preventatively. You can do these things preventatively too. I’m going to also mention what is safe or not safe for different ages and stages, or if you’re pregnant/breastfeeding, or whatever. Because all those things are near and dear to my heart.
So, the first thing I want to mention is anything I talk about, if I’m referencing a physician or a printed paper or any of their printed information as far as research or studies, I will put those links at the end of this article.
It’s important for you to check out those links. I’m trying to make this as thorough as possible.
Let’s jump in.
1. Povidone Iodine – “Flu” Preventive
Povidone Iodine- 10% topical solution. We are going to dilute this down to a .5 solution. I’m going to show you how to make a solution of this where we lower the concentration to .5%. The 10% solution is very readily available. You should have no trouble finding this.
Betadine Antiseptic soar throat gargle- This comes in 1% solution so you can use it as is or dilute it 1 to 1 to get it to the .5% solution. This is mint and has a nice smell when used as a nasal spray.
We’re going to make a gargle solution, and a nasal solution.
I just pumped this into a solution dilution calculator to get my ratios. I wanted to make a .5% solution and it told me what I needed to do to create that.
Gargle Solution Recipe
We’re going to mix 12 cups of water with 1 tablespoon of the Povidone Iodine 10% solution. Stir until well mixed.
I’m going to pour part of the mixture into a smaller jar and add some peppermint flavoring. You can add some liquid stevia to make it taste a little better for kids. It does not have a bad taste whatsoever. I’m adding 3 drops of peppermint oil for flavor.
Then just put your lid on and keep a stack of cups nearby so it’s ready to go when you need it. We keep it near an entrance so when someone comes back from being out and about, they can gargle on the way into the house.
This gargle is effective against all viruses. I will link a video that will explain the science behind this. This is such an easy and healthy routine.
All you have to do to use this effectively is take about an ounce or two in your little dixie cup or whatever you use. Put the solution in your mouth and swish it around for about 15 seconds, then throw your head back and gargle for another 15 seconds. You want this in your mouth for a total of 30 seconds.
Then just spit it down the sink.
To keep this as simple as possible, just use the same solution as the nasal spray as well. If you don’t mind making this a little more complicated, you can separate the nasal solution and not add the stevia or peppermint oil to the nasal spray.
Nasal Spray Solution Recipe
For the nasal spray you’ll need a nasal spray bottle. You can get one at your local pharmacy or you can order one from amazon.
To apply the nasal spray, spray one shot in each nostril and sniff the spray in. It should look like this: spray left, sniff, spray right, sniff. Then repeat for a total to two sprays in each nostril.
You can do this a few times a day. You can do it when you go into public, and you can do it when you come home.
What happens is, the Covid virus, or any virus that is in your nasal cavity and it has to get in through your gates so it’s either getting in through your mouth or your nose. So, we’re hitting both.
Viruses (especially the “flu”) cannot survive with the iodine. The iodine kills it on contact.
When you watch the video I’m recommending you’ll hear what he has to say. But they’ve even had people who’ve tested positive for Covid, they did the nasal spray, then retested and were negative.
That’s how powerful this stuff is to kill viruses at the .5% solution. Now you could do a 1% solution if you want but there is no reason to go beyond 1%.
If you want to do the 1% solution just add 2 tablespoons of the 10% solution to your 12 cups of water.
I would recommend this ounce of prevention for everybody, period.
The next thing in our basket is part of our pound of cure, rather than our ounce of prevention.
2. Ivermectin – “Flu” Treatment
This is Ivermectin. I recommend everybody having this in their home. I have the horse kind, and it is completely safe to use for humans. If you have a couple thousand dollars and you want to spend the money on the human kind, feel free.
It used to be incredibly cheap. But even though it is not considered an approved form of treatment, people are buying it, because it’s working. I have heard this all over the world. They are having very successful results.
Usually you only do one dose. It’s by weight. There are gazillions of videos out there on how use the Ivermectin horse paste. I’m not going to go into that. I’m just showing it to you. I recommend getting it. When I bought this, it was $6.
We have not had to use it because we’re working on our ounce of prevention. But I do want to have my pound of cure, because I don’t want anybody kicking my butt. But it’s hard to get if you’re not on top of it. This product has been around since the 1970s.
It is considered safe. It is not approved for pregnancy based on what I can see. I have not read anywhere that it has been approved for pregnancy.
Ok, so, let’s get into out ounce of prevention. We already have the iodine nasal spray and the gargle.
3. Quercitin
The alternative to ivermectin is quercetin. Pronounce it however you want. You can see in the video how I pronounce it. It is basically just a multivitamin. The recommended dosage is 500 mg daily. If you get sick you can do more. Just follow the recommended dosages on the bottle.
Why does this work? Why does Ivermectin work? They both help zinc get to the cellular level. At the cellular level they pretty much nullify any virus including the “flu.” It makes the virus unable to replicate. So, you need zinc in your diet daily as well. Follow the dosage on the bottle.
So, combining the quercetin with the zinc has a strong antiviral effect. They are getting the zinc on the cellular level successfully to prevent replication of any virus. Whether it starts with the letter “C” if you know what I mean, or if it’s any other virus, a stomach virus, or anything. This is your ounce of prevention.
If you end up sick, there’s a protocol. I’m going to put up the Russian doctor’s protocol. You can go to his website and see it. You can actually buy his vitamins. He just wants to get the information out there.
4. Reishi Mushrooms – “Flu” Preventative
Now this is something I have been taking for about a year. It’s just reishi mushrooms. I take this preventatively. It’s an immune system booster.
5. Vitamins – “Flu” Preventative
Zinc | Vitamin D3 | Vitamin C (Prices on Amazon)
The vital things you want to be taking daily are zinc, quercetin, D3, Vitamin C. The standard dosage of D3 for an adult is 5000 international units. That’s too much for a child, but it’s a good place to start for an adult. If you’ve been in the sun all summer long your D3 levels are probably fine for a month or two. But most people are D3 deficient.
And when you get deep into winter, the D3 deficiency in most people provides a place for viruses to thrive. If you get adequate sun daily you may not even need a D3 supplement, but its worth the ounce of prevention.
Vitamin C, I take 2000mg of vitamin C, I use sodium ascorbate capsules. I recommend for an adult 2000mg daily. If you find that you are sick or under the weather with something, you’re going to amp up these things.
Now for the pound of cure. You find out you’re positive for “flu.” Again, this is not medical advice, but this is what I would do for my family. The first thing I would do is pull up that video of Ivermectin dosages and measure a dose based on weight.
Ivermectin is a one time shot, but I would repeat it two days in a row personally. When you have a virus, the first 48 hours are crucial to take action. You need to get on it.
Now, let’s say anybody who gets the flu, usually 5 days later their head is wet, and their chest is wet. Secondary pneumonia to flu is super common. I used to get it all the time.
6. Grapefruit Seed Extract – “Flu” treatment
I’ve been talking about GSE for a long time.
So, this is where Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE) and little double zero capsules come in. All you do is take your double zero capsules and fill them up, and then close them.
I’ve been using GSE of 20+ years. They have just now started carrying this in capsule form, but you can still make your own if you want. I’ve got a video of the story of GSE and how I started taking it and what it’s done for our family.
There’s a really cool scientist that discovered this and it’s his granddaughter that heads up a lab in Florida that makes this. It’s naturally anti-microbial. It’s anti-fungal, anti-viral on a low level, and anti-parasitic. Take two of these 3 times a day for an adult with food.
Always take these with food.
These are concentrated grapefruit, and you don’t want to put these on an empty stomach. You would take this when you have congestion in your head and it’s wet and the color starts changing. If your discharge is clear you’re still at the virus stage and it hasn’t turned to bacteria yet.
I heard an allergist that taught me the stages of infection. I went all through nursing school, and they never taught us this. If you’re clear you’re good, you don’t need an antibiotic. When it starts turning white, you’ve got an infection brewing. If it’s yellow you’ve got a full-blown infection. If you’ve got green, you’ve got a full-blown infection on steroids. Green with blood means you should probably need to be at the hospital.
Always do what your local health care provider tells you to do.
GSE is simply grapefruit. There is nothing to be afraid of.
When you start getting sick and notice a color change in your discharge, and you quickly add GSE to your diet, most people tell me, and what we’ve experienced is by the third day whatever color was going drops. So, if you started at green by 3 days it’s not down to yellow. And then another 3 days or not even that long, it’s down to white. And within a week and a half it’s clear.
If you start the GSE when your discharge is white, you may not even need to be on this for a full week.
If you start having some tummy turbulence after about a week of GSE, that just means more bananas, more potatoes, more yogurt. These things will help settle your belly. I just want to let people know about that.
So, that’s the short version of GSE, if you want to know more check out my video on why it is helpful.
In Closing
If after all that we do get the “flu”, I don’t expect to, but if it happens, our trust is in the Lord. My hope is in the Lord.
Also, I want to give a shout out to an app called The Jump. It’s an app that is available on the app store. And you can get into it through your browser. I have just a little group there for people to talk to me privately. It’s a very good app, it’s managed by believers here in Kansas City and you can dialogue with me there privately.
You’ll have to answer a few questions before you can get into the group. It’s called Holly’s Holistic Helps. So, you can get in there and chat with me further if need be. And just to repeat that disclaimer, I’m only telling you what we do in out family. None of this is medical advice in any capacity. But these are things that we’ve found success in and the Lord has ordered out steps. So, GSE came from the Good Lord. He is the one that told me how to use that stuff properly. All glory to Him. He is faithful and he has been ordering my steps.
We have good friends; one is a virologist that worked for the CDC for 25 years. She’s been sending me some good stuff. A lot of the things she’s sharing I’ve put into the Jump app I mentioned earlier. Becky is a really good friend of mine and her husband is a physician. We call her Dr. Becky because she is amazing. She’s very holistic and she’s turned me on to so many cool things.
Check out our recipe for Bone Broth
Thank you for everything you share . I’m going back over every video and taking notes .